Life is a compilation of memories, not a collection of things; this seems obvious but I think we all often get caught up in saving precious trinkets and items in an effort to preserve a memory. Memories are part of the gift of life, and their greatest beauty lies within the inner vaults of the heart and mind where they are cherished. I am nothing close to a hoarder, however in cleaning out the attic this week I resurfaced a pile of old love letters from a long ago broken-off engagement. Not knowing what to do with such saved, unnecessary memories, I have spent the past few days pondering my quandary, which was ingeniously solved by my brother Nick last night. Some parts of our past are necessary to remember, but not fully necessary to keep.
Nick ate my memories for me. As he left for North Carolina this morning, he took my three-year-old bag of personalized “will you marry me” M&Ms, and literally ate them. Nick loves chocolate, and more than chocolate, Nick loves living in the present.
Let something of your past go today. Perhaps it is an old grudge, perhaps some simple Spring cleaning, or perhaps a history of low self-esteem, but whatever it is, choose something today and let it go. It feels better than you could possibly imagine.